Protocol Education is pleased to join in solidarity with other organisations across the world to celebrate ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) Awareness Month by offering a discounted ADHD course from New Skills Academy. This year's theme is Understanding a Shared Experience. It is an opportunity to highlight that children with ADHD need more support, understanding, and access to services.
The discounted ADHD Awareness Diploma is CPD accredited. It gives you the information you need to live with or work with a person with ADHD. This training course, approved by the CMA Complementary Medical Association (CMA), covers all aspects of the disorder, from defining and controlling the condition to success stories and improving it. You’ll have lifetime access to the course and receive a certificate at the end.
ADHD is among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood. Many children with ADHD show signs of the disorder before they reach school age. But it’s in school, when they are having trouble meeting expectations for children in their class, that most are referred for diagnosis.
ADHD affects about 3 to 5% of children. It is more common in boys than girls, as females with ADHD often present with less hyperactivity than boys and may be less easily identified. (NICE 2013).
The stereotype of ADHD boys disrupting the classroom is disappearing, but there are still misconceptions surrounding the disorder. Though teachers, teaching assistants, and support staff may recognise that ADHD pupils may forget to write down assignments, lose completed homework, and need fidget toys to improve focus, those working in schools can find it difficult to see the not-so-obvious behaviours when they arise.
Recognising ADHD
Its symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe. More often than not, it coexists with other conditions, including learning disabilities. Many of its challenges are “invisible” or blamed on laziness.
Although there is more awareness around neurodiversity in schools, it is important that educators are able to recognise children who might be struggling with ADHD. Some students will work hard to compensate for their weaknesses so that they are able to hide their challenges from teachers and parents.
Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are three kinds of behaviour involved in ADHD. Symptoms are divided into two groups: inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive. Children should be diagnosed with ADHD if their behaviour is more extreme in these areas than their peers who are the same age.
Some children exhibit one type of behaviour. But others have a combination of both, which can make it difficult to function well in school.
Inattentive Symptoms
Careless mistakes in schoolwork, overlooking details
Distracted or side-tracked easily
Difficulty following instructions
Doesn’t appear to be listening when spoken to
Having difficulty organising tasks and/or misplacing belongings
Hyperactive or Impulsive Symptoms
Often fidgets and/or has trouble staying in their seat
Runs and climbs when it’s inappropriate
Has trouble playing quietly, talks excessively and/or interrupts
Is extremely impatient, can’t wait for their turn
Always “on the go” or “driven by a motor”
The symptoms and behaviours associated with ADHD may also have other possible explanations. A child with ADHD may experience symptoms of other neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or auditory processing disorders. Findings suggest that one in two with ADHD has dyslexia or dyspraxia.
ADHD going undiagnosed
Children who are not diagnosed with ADHD may struggle with the following:
Making and keeping friends
Short-term memory challenges
Overreacting in certain situations
Bullying (either as a victim or a bully)
Keeping up academically
Harnessing ADHD
ADHD Awareness Month acts as an opportunity to celebrate the differences of neurodiversity. With proper support and treatment, children with ADHD can use their unique talents and perspectives to go on and achieve incredible things.
ADHD strengths can include:
Resourcefulness and resilience
Intuitive and/or quick-thinking
Positivity and enthusiasm
Findings from ADHD UK show that 89% of teachers currently teach or have taught pupils with ADHD. And as ADHD doesn’t discriminate, it is likely that you will teach someone who has this condition, either diagnosed or undiagnosed.